Lead Depository
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Direct Mail | Aged Final Expense
$.50, $1, $3, $5, $7 1+ years old | Request Counts Below
Direct Mail | New Mortgage Protection
$485 per 1,000 piece Mail Drop 3-6 week turn around
Submit a request below for fresh Mortgage Protection counts in your county. You will be notified of lead type, age and price.
Direct Mail | Aged Mortgage Protection
2 Inventories
A) 3-9 months are $3 per image
10-18 months are $1 per image
19-36 months are $0.50 per image
37-60 months are $0.25 per image
B) Level 1 | 90 days – 9 months old | $8 each | 125 for $700 Level 2 | 9 months – 18 months old | $300 for 100
Easy Assurity Replacements! Buy these! Request counts below
Lead Request
Enter the lead type (Direct Mail – FEX New; Direct Mail – MP New; Direct Mail – FEX Aged; Facebook – MP New; Telemarketing…etc) & the county you wish to order or pull counts from. We will get back with you shortly!
Increase Your Odds
A $10,000 death benefit never appeared so affordable to a prospect, and because of this, you’ll make more sales.
Sell the lowest products in the industry. Churning occurs when there is not a blatant increase of benefit for the client. Careful churners, you could easily lose your license.